97 pound shirt riddle answer

Question: You see a £97 shirt, but don’t have any cash, so you borrow £50 from your mum & £50 from your dad = £100. You buy the shirt, have £3 change so give mum £1, dad £1 & keep the other £1 for yourself. You now owe mum £49, dad £49 so £49+£49 = £98 & your £1 makes £99“ so where is the missing pound.

Solution: So here in this post, we are going to provide the £97 pound-dolar Shirt Riddle-Puzzle Answer. So now let’s get started.

Here in this conundrum, you took £50 from your mum and £50 from your father.

So the all out pound you took is £50 + £50 = £100

Presently next you purchase a shirt worth of £97 and you get back £3 change.

Thus, £97 + £3 = £100

Next you offer £1 to your mum, £1 to your father and you keep £1 with yourself.

So now this makes £97 for shirt + £1 + £1 + £1 = £100

Hence, subsequent to offering £1 to mum, and £1 to father, the missing £1 is with yourself.