3 days ago I just turned 18, next year I will turn 20, when is my birthday?​

Riddle: 3 days ago I just turned 18, next year I will turn 20, when is my birthday?​

Answer: Consistently, the essayist’s birthdate is sometimes or another close to the furthest limit of the year, conceivably Jan 1.

We should investigate the chance,

Accepting the author’s birthday is January 1, the essayist’s age is 18 years of age 3 days prior.

The date 3 days before January 1 is December 29.

In this way, on December 29, the author’s age is 18 years of age.

after 3 days, January 1 which the main day of another year, the essayist turned 19 years of age.

One year from now, January 1 the essayist will turn 20 years of age.