Earn Free $3 NKN Crypto | NKN Coinbase Quiz Answers

Earn Free $3 NKN Crypto | NKN Coinbase Quiz Answers

Q1: What is NKN?
Decentralized Oracle network
Decentralized data transmission network
Decentralized computing engine
A NFT marketplace

The Answer: The correct answer is Decentralized data transmission network.

Q2: How can you use NKN token?
Stake on validators
Initiate smart contracts
Pay for data transmission
Buy digital artwork

The Answer: The correct answer is Pay for data transmission.

Q3: How big is the NKN network?
Up to 100K full consensus nodes globally
5,000 computers globally
300 relay nodes globally
21 validator nodes globally

The Answer: The correct answer is Up to 100K full consensus nodes globally.

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